RE:RE:RE:IWC Presentation Vancouver May 28 and 29, 2017FCU is still the best project in the basin. We all know that 'shallow' deposits are the most desirable for any producer. Fission continues to expand it's shallow high grade resource. Another drilling program will grow it even more. The only thing needed for most uranium explorers is to see a '
catalyst' to move the spot price up. It still has a long way to go before we see that BULL U market we all want. Lots of new reactors coming in the next few years!!
juro777 wrote: I have a feeling that the upcoming summer drill program will have a very heavy focus on expanding all of our current on land zones (840W and 1550W) if the presentation is correct and we're targetting our last resource update before a PFS next year. My gut tells me wildcat drilling will be put on the backburner. Time will tell.
Born2Struggle2 wrote: Even more interesting is the Q4 2019 completion of the full FS (Feasibilty Study) which is the percusor to project financing and as well the submission of the EA in 2019 Q4.
We also might infer that we are close to the end of the ore zones definition phase and therefore the associated current rate of cash burn. There is enough cash on hand to do this.
JMO - B2S2