RE:Japan Gold hires Sumiko for drilling, to buy drill rigsWhy does PT Promicron Indonesia, which is owned by Japan Gold's COO Mike Andrews, have to provide the drilling rigs for this work when Sumiko Resources Exploration & Development have their own rigs and can provide them at a much, much lower cost. Methinks Mr. Andrews and The SA people have been in Indonesia too long and have gone native and taken up the Indonesian penchant for feeding at the trough of shareholders' money. Is this what junior mining companies' officers generally do? That is, use the shareholders' money to pay themselves regardless of actual results and at the end of the day leave the coffers empty to be either refilled with share dilution or the company fades away? The ethical way of doing this is to bid the work out to at least three bidders and then take the best proposal. Unilaterally using an insider's company for the provision of goods and services smells and looks bad and makes one wonder about the integrity of such behaviour.