Nice Post.....Guy, really.....
I simply mentioned to investors that it is very possible if not probable that back in March, a 32 million dollar investment coming from the Cayman Islands might be dark money. We know nothing about, and they are probably creepy people who read these posts, since they have 32 million Canadian dollars invested and I am saying they are probably really sick demented people who are narcisistic like Trump and care about nothing but themselves, like Trump and will be something that investors need to be aware of, we are partly owned by likely criminals, who do not care about us at all. Does that matter, well probably is just forgive me.............. excuse me..........
That is all.
Why would you take offence at that? And then insult me for saying that... What is your problem..?
I gotta give you credit for coming back with a fantastic trash talking response, perhaps you could have mentioned fxxcking my mother and my sister and all that, which is what you bullies do.