RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:ahhhh Mr Sanchezrad10, turn around. Your boss is tapping you on the head. Either means it's time for your cigarette break or he wants you to orally satisfy him. Good luck.
rad10 wrote: A "vast minority" is quite the oxymoron. What happened to your usual foul innuendo? Keeping it clean has revealed you are barely literate...................... Weird that a brash foul mouthed 'merican can't spell ammunition - I thought it was a national obsession.
MrDirtySanchez1 wrote: rad10, you mindless, one-note boiler room basher. you claim you're a doctor and keep harping on one (laser spine surgery) of many procedures nobilis has to offer. in fact, as others have noted, it's represents vast minority of cases while GI, other categories of spine, podiatry and etc. represent other procedures. you need to harp on this one little facet because that's the only amunition you got. sad. as for the corp shills on the board, you that feeble-minded to take them serioulsly? that drives your preception/value of nobilis? what are we, in the 1950s. go back to your boiler room and ask for your supervisor to tap you on the head for a cigarette break. run along, junior.
rad10 wrote: theinvestor22 wrote: rad10 wrote: Laser spinal surgery is highly questionable - I am still waiting for a randomised prospective control trial of their patented accurascope to go with the glossy literature.
I have no idea whether or not laser spinal surgery is effective, even though the company says it is covered by most insurance plans, has an 82% success rate and 95% of patients would recommend it to a friend.
What you might take some comfort from is that these procedures represent about 9% of cases and should decline over time as HLTH expands into other areas.
Or perhaps you don't really care.
Its a good job most medical science isn't based on in house customer satisfaction surveys.......... A randomized controlled trial in Spine or the JBJS would be appropriate.
I looked at this company a while ago when it was being touted by Donville and McCreath on the comedy channel. Went long CRH and short this name. Both positions now closed.
The red flags were (1)roll up strategy with growth by acquisition, (2)Canadian / dual listing for a Texas based firm, (3)late filing(s), (4)audit company turnover and last but not least - (5)executive history. I believe Marc Cohodes calls it
"betting the jockey not the horse". Another minor red flag was the vicious attacks from corporate shills on this bulletin board for anyone questioning the management decision making.
Made good money on this trade and hope you are able to do the same.