No news and management seems non-responsive Long term shareholder here with a substantial position. I have been lurking here for a while following all of the discussions. I finally decided to join in on discussions. It seems this forum has divided into two camps. The camp that trusts management without question and the camp that is becoming more skeptical of management day by day.
What drove me to finally register and post something is that I know of anumber of investors in this company and the common thread in our personal discussions has been that management has been non-responsive lately to e-mails/inquiries.
I don't even bother with the IR relations people. I assume they are as ill informed as the last IR firm.
I had only mild concerns when the deal was signed with Getinge. It just felt odd that so little was disclosed as to the actual terms. Lately, my concern has risen. The idea that Getinge has been on a slow roll out to keep a lid on the share price is unimagineable; it makes no business sense in the short term; but since it appears that this tech could displace steam, my level of caution has risen. Getinge would make a fortune if they succeeded with a low bid and then decided to start pushing this as a replacement for steam.
The Q2 numbers are critiical in my opinion. A substantial uptick in numbers would wipe out any nefarious intent on the behalf of Getinge; flat numbers would be a major concern at this point.