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Global Education Communities Corp T.GEC

Alternate Symbol(s):  GECSF

Global Education Communities Corp. is a Canada-based education and student housing investment company. The Company is focused on the domestic and global education market. The Company operates business and language colleges, student-centric rental apartments, recruitment centers and corporate offices at 41 locations in Canada and abroad. Its education subsidiaries include Sprott Shaw College Corp., Sprott Shaw Language College, Vancouver International College Career Campus, and CIBT School of Business & Technology Corp. It offers over 150 educational programs in healthcare, business management, e-commerce, cyber-security, hotel management, emergency paramedic, and language training through these schools. It owns Global Education City Holdings Inc., an investment holding, and development company focused on education-related real estate. It also owns Global Education Alliance Inc. and Irix Design Group Inc. It serviced over 14,277 domestic and international students.

TSX:GEC - Post by User

Post by Staghorn69on Jun 15, 2017 10:07am
Post# 26365694

Where's the NCIB?

Where's the NCIB?Time for Toby to re-start the NCIB share buyback again it seems...  painfully this stock lacks support so all those great gains are basically gone. 
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