RE:Shanghai inventoriesIs not this the opposite?
Not that it makes any difference since: both amounts are basically the same, this is a very small amount of inventory compared to what China uses on a yearly basis and these numbers might not be reliable...
35,022 is on warrant - The on warrants portion is what is available for purchase
36,736 is not on warrant - This is not available for trading
total Inventories = 71,758
firecracker74 wrote:
Shanghai inventories rose this week from 68,409 to 71,758, but the amount on warrants increased from 18,861 to 35,022. That results in a net decline of 12,812 that is not on warrant. Half of the remaining inventory is now on warrants. Only 36,736 is now available for purchase from inventory compared to 49,848 available as of last week.