Revenue commentI made a comment a week ago on June 8 about revenues for the coming 2017/18 year that I want to walk back. See below for the cross outs made and I have underlined new words added:
"You wouldn’t know that $50 million PLUS should be easily attainable next near – is possible next year, ASSUMING we get tier one status and the communities where LTE will operate permit the co. to trench 300 meters per day vs. the current 150 meters per day that is common. the co executes like it can. I could throw out higher nos. for 2017/18 but it would just read nutty."
Simply put it is just too early to make a statement like i made, its too bold. Despite the walk back which I will put to a moment of over exhuerance, LOL, I am as confident in LTE's future as I've ever been. As in, ever.