Competing assets.Stocks,bonds andd houses are competing assets.
As long as the inflation and the interest rate is low PM are not the first assets.
The item safety investment is cancelled because centralbanks plug each hole in the other asset classes.If the bank fails the tax payer had to pay.
Last example ist the bank in italia.As the bank was brocken Mr. Draghi take the debts in his ECB books.That is everywhere the same.There is no risk to loose Money because the central banks outsorce from national debts to central bank's a first class snowball system.
Other points are that the inflation is beautiful calculated from the finacial elite.In truth the inflation is higher.You can manipulate that by choosing a appropriate shoping basket.
The other manipulation is made by the central banks.They make ring sells when volume is very low.So it's possible to destroy the mood for privat gold buying.
In addition to sell futures where not one ounce is moved(paper contracts).
My guess is that all centralbank work together.Thesilver price is ver easy to manipulate until there is no fear that the industry get enough material.What really helps is the private buy from small investors.But that is exactly what the banksters don't like and sucessfull fight against.