Aeroplan UpdateJust in case you missed it.
Make sure your in strong before the announcement. Check out point 2 and 5 in the FAQ.
What will Aeroplan look like after June 29, 2020?
We're working hard to build a stronger Aeroplan for you. This includes ensuring that you're able to redeem for flight rewards long past 2020.
We invite you to join us on our journey to shape the next-generation Aeroplan. You can expect to hear more from us soon about our plans for the future. In the meantime, keep earning Aeroplan Miles for the rewards you want.
Will you continue offering flight rewards after 2020?
We know that flights rewards are a member favourite. As we explore options to make Aeroplan even better, we will ensure that you're able to redeem for flight rewards long past 2020.
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