This is a good thing
Warren Buffett taking a big stake is going to restore confidence so the company can rebuild deposits and sell GICs. And it will also get rid of the shorters. They were already full of hot air, and they are indeed fools if they think thay can short against Buffett. It is worth the dilutional effect of those 16M new shares to solve the confidence issues, and the basic book value is still well over $20 per share.The new line of credit is not on good terms but it is hardly needed with the sale of the $1.2B commerical mortgages, and I expect it will replaced with bank financing on much better terms before too long. I cannot see the shareholders approving the second traunch of Buffett's equity when that comes along, as it is just not needed. I think these shares are going to keep rising until at least $19 or $20, and in my opinion if you are holding, just keep your shares and watch the shorters squirm.