RE:Pretium Picture Gallery updated todayVok , with all due respect , you are missing the most significant details in the recent photos. The bar in question is indeed " contaminated" with an amount of slag or other deleteious mateial. however consider this , standard size bars are either 400 oz or 1000 oz. Add to this fact, that the actual pictures of the pour show 5 bars being poured simultaneously.... normal practice whenever feasible.
The photos of the gold on the tables are extremely impressive....... that is serious gold coming off the tables at least at the moment in time the photos were taken. What I would really like to know is does this production represent " low grade" mill feed or something else I cannot say for sure whether these are 400 or 1000 ounce bars. I suspect it is the latter, in which case we might just be in line for a press release suggesting " ounces poured to date is ??% higher than anticipated from mine planning parameters. " If the ?? number was say 60, that would produce a bump in the stock price previously not even dreamed about.