Just wait till the people find out cannabis cures cancer!And many other diseases. Helped kill my wifes Lymphoma. Cancer Canada says 1 in 2 will get this disease, they refuse to accept this info about curing it though. The cancer gets killed by 85% pluss trength thc in the oil, Health Canada only allows 19% thc oil to be sold. You have to make it youself with 1 full pound of bud. That is millions of pounds of bud to cure Canada's cancers. I have info on my wife's cure at Facebook....cancer beaten naturally....https://www.facebook.com/groups/224545407909211/?ref=bookmarks
Just imagine how much product will be needed when it is allowed for recreation and KILLING cancers.
.Boris I hope you are serious about this shot at a lic. this time!!!!!!! You will make alot of $$$$ and save lives.