AGM Presentation I am anxiously awaiting an update from OGC. In the meantime, have a look at their latest presentation for today’s Annual General Meeting. As before, the reported information is impressive but somewhat out of date. There are snippets of information about what the next report should reveal.
- Still meeting guidance.
- Balance sheet on March 31 = $ 70.6 million in cash, excluding $90m in marketable securities.
- Debt at that time was $333m, giving a net debt of $262m (again excluding marketable securities).
- Net Debt/EBITA on 2017 Consensus is 0.3
- Haile is in transition—still stated as commissioning to operations, but all milestones seem to be positive (80% of design at present, recoveries at or near expected levels, costs under control, steady state mining with productivity improvements). Very soon, I would expect an announcement about both commission completion.
- Snake (2nd pit) is 4 months ahead of schedule.
- Optimization at Haile (update drill data, optimal pit size, optimal interface between open pit & underground) is on track for mid-2017 completion. Mid-year in now! I would expect an update news release on Haile very soon).
- At Wahi – drifting to higher grade under the Martha pit.
- 2017 guidance is 550,000-610,000 ounces at a low AISC
- Didipio is transitioning to underground. However, the last stages of open pit are into the higher grades at lower levels.
Overall, impressive company!