Q1 PROJECTIONS Price per gram sold is rising as value added goods hit the store. Craftgrow also effectively increases this as well. Using $8.03 as a base for Q1 sales we can put some rough numbers together.
This morning Bruce suggested that the company is selling 0.7g/patient/day. This seems high, GoBlue pinned Q4 around 0.4 and competitors are selling at 0.5 (all lower than HC stats which is currently at 0.75). We will use 0.5g/patient/day.
Patient onboarding for Q1 was slow with the Q starting at 56,000 and will be ending just above 58,000.
$8.03 * 57,000 * 0.5 * 90 = $20.6mm
This is only accounting for their domestic retail business as well as no sales from Craft Grow.
If we use Bruce's 0.7, we come to over $28mm for the quarter. We will be able to hold him to those claims in 7 weeks from now.
Feel free to add/discuss.
Prospective Wiz Queen