RE:Stop smoking the pumpTurboron wrote: In my opinion You guys are basing your info on speculation and gambling your money and savings
on a failed mining company that screwed many people over .
the boss has zero experience in LP's. There's a phantom 10,000 sq ft facility .
no license but they base progress in getting a license because they took over 70% of a phantom company that is in the "late stages application"
wow! GLTA , you're going to need it
if you think you have any chance of getting this above the price of chv currently you're out to lunch
Turbron what is your motive? Since moring you have been bashing the stock down. You have nothing else to do? Why do you care about other ppl's money so much. If you think it is a bad stock then keep it to yourself. you ain't losing anything right? What's the problem then??