RE:RE:RE:solar power with battery storage is even better Yes, it does, and I did the math. Cost of Solar Panels: 28K. Return on evestiment: 1K /year electricty. Oh yeah... 15K rebates from City and 5K price cut from the Installer, lol.
Of course, now you are going to say that rebates are evil. In truth, it has to do with what is called in Economic circles as "Externalities". Simply put, an Externality is when a person buys a product, but doesn't have to pay the full price. With Fossel fuels, the "full price" includes the eventual Trillions of dollars we will all have to pay in 60 to 80 years, but which is not factored into the price of the car. You and I won't have to pay it, but it will be paid.
So the Carbon Tax and Solar panel rebates are a mechanisms to incentize folks to do the correct thing. It increases the realtive price of say Coal plants to Solar power, or gas vehicles relative to EV's. In effect, accounting for the actual "full price". Once things are incentized correctly, people want to do the right thing, and it works. We will never get there if we rely on the "goodness of heart" of folks who are willing to throw tens of thousands of dollars away.
Btw, this is what China is doing, and the rest of the world outside of the US. They are developing demand at a massive scale, along with capacity. They are setting themselves up to be the leader in EV's, just as Toyata did so in the 80's with small cars (took us 10-20 years to claw our way back from that.