Buckshot26 wrote: First off I generally like Bruce as he is the only CEO in the space that I've seen thus far that seems to truly get that bigger is best at this moment in time. For that reason I remain committed to Canopy which is my single largest holding.
Being a dreamer is good, but his ability to execute is starting to leave a lot to desire.
Posted earlier by Free55dom is a comment that we are at ~10% institutional ownership. I'm not sure if that is the case or not as it certainly would be at odds with Bruce saying he has a number of shareholders sitting just below the reporting threshold of 10%. But the way the stock has traded of late certainly points to a lack of strong hands holding shares.
Institutional ownership of TSX listed companies averaged at 43% September 2014 (the last date I have data for). If we are only at 10% this would speak volumes as to what "smartmoney" thinks of Bruce.
Porr decsion making when it comes to the product mix (lack of consistent high thc offerings), pricing stock options for Insiders who sold near all their shares at the low price of the last 5 days, instead of pricing them at or slightly above that days closing price, gypsy swap embedded in a financing, not answering questions in cc's, giving employees a long weekend when we dearly need all the revenue we can get, etc. are all "bush league" and do not sit well with Institutional Investors.
Instituional Investors set the price of stocks not retail so we need these "stronger hands" on board.
IMO Bruce needs to start behaving like the CEO of a billion dollar company or bring in someone with a proven track record. I suspect we will take care of this sooner than later should he not get his act together.
We are in a position where we could easily dominate and that is exactly what I'm in this for. Nothing less is acceptable.
Mjfreedom wrote: Buck...if I could share my opinion on this. And please feel free to add your thoughts.
Bruce is a dreamer...the perfect person to take Canopy to this level.
A very intelligent man who has said " I would like to stay until at least legalization"
Sometime next year I believe Bruce will take over Canopy Rivers