BE CAREFUL, $4.25 could be it, if bid blocked, back to $3.80Don't be carried away with a firm buying huge numbers of shares since June 20th, as those shares could have been purchased as low as $3.90. As such, even at $4.25 the firm already has a decent profit. No where does the news release indicate shares were purchased near $4.25. Definitely a 3rd party like IBM or CISCO could swoop in, this is pocket change for them. Or, Vector could match the current offer of $4.15. If no new offers, obviously the stock will drop down to $4.15 or less. If somehow the government scrutiny does block the latest bid due to security concerns, the stock will go back down to $3.80. Each investor has to decide how much of a gambler one wants to be. Just remember, right now the stock trades above any current offer on the table. Lock in the nice profit? Or gamble? Only 1 day to go, good luck!