AGM Today
Less than little to report. They ran through the formalities and said an NR would be out in third week August with the quarter results. Tried to ajourn, no presentation, update, discussion, Q&A nada. It was run by our new chairman, hard to take him seriously. He literally looks 20, and dressed like it. Didn't even have the sense to dress properly. Flanel shirt untucked, I assume an attempt at western. Either way, a jacket is minimum for a chairman who takes his job seriously even during Stampede. Bad first impression. One guy asked a question, so others followed. I found it ridiculous we have a newer CEO, who actually didn't speak, totally new board and they did nothing to show us what they have accomplished, drilling results, anything. Like they didn't have the desire to attract any new investors, or appease the current ones. They couldn't even tell me what their break even BOE price was. The two new directors are very solid, so have some confidence there. Josh has a lot of shares, like 8% and still buying big in the last couple weeks. His average must be fairly high, I like that. I found it so odd there was no presentation or desire to explain their plans to turn this around. Which tells me they don't care and a deal is in the works or something similar. Not sure but weird. We'll see in a month, we'll know about the new well for sure. Drilling plans are staying the same, but day to day. Options were approved so expect them to reward themselves handsomely shortly. I am fine with that, but they should start well above $1.