GENTS!!! I know it's "fun" to speculate what the sp will be in Xamount of time but let's be real here.... Nobody will ever be right, and there are waaaayyyy too many reasons why. Let's just say that you could predict where the price would be, would you really be on SH? No, you'd be a millionaire on a yacht catching "tuna"! Reality is that this is a cannabis penny stock that will at some point hit the roof and than just as quickly, hit the floor. Example: heard of HIP? They got their LP, hit 0.50 and have been sitting at 0.30ish... It's a penny stock! Is it going to expand and grow exponentially like the big boys? Well, although highly unlikely, anything is possible. At the end of the day, feel lucky to have found a company that is late stage at a ridiculously low price... But just remember, on the Jr exchanges when things go up reeeally fast, they go down even faster. Good luck to all