NR to "blow it out of the water"So far, it's been mostly shareholders that have been blown out of the water when news is released here. How big a hole in the "water' does $25,000,000 make? That would be the NR that was belatedly released after Baxter was fired! Has shareprice recovered? Nope. Wonder what the next "hole in the water NR will be" ? I could see SP going to 80 cents but that would take a 10:1 share consolidation + a rebranding, new web site etc. Look how much shareholder value was added the last time that was done (new website, not 10:1) As some have posted...why not a new name as well ? My choice JAG Open Pit Mining...Bay and Howe St slogan? Shareholder $$ ends up in JAG's pockets already, let's properly name the Co !! JMHO