RE:100% POSITIVE......Good post Dog. This board acuratly reflects this stock at this point - its toxic. The new posters and their questikons could be genuine or could be aliases for other posters. There are many who hold rotting paper and are hoping for either of two outcomes - unload to an unsuspecting investor or the ASC thing goes away. Neither are good positions regardless of what they say. If anyone puts new money in here prior to clarity coming than they do deserve what will happen. Clarity could come from the company with "verifiable" news (IMO Ogilvie cannot be trusted to provide clarity as over the 10 years I was in this stock his arrival has destroyed anything it had previously) or it could come from the ASC which could say "oops we screwed up" and they did nothing wrong (Vegas odds are a sure thing in comparison to this happening) or the hammer hits PO hard and hopefully does not destroy SJL. The good Doctor holds no shares and is not being paid by SJL - think about that for a minute......