One announcement awayHighflyer, in my opinion it is not possible to be "one announcement away" from a game changer. I believe many have lost site of the fact that NO-ONE, no company, bank or institution will EVER loan money to build a mine without proof that the technology to achieve the required brine concentration is possible. From what I understand, the "one hole" cavern for "proof of concept" was an abysmal failure. Unfortunately, without a proper "production well" installed to prove the appropriate brine concentration is possible, KRN will languish and fade away. I believe it is time to #%&*@ or get off the pot, we need to find out if a mine is ever going to be feasible. If not, then we can all move on from this. I can see no value with the remaining capital other than drilling a new well. The keystone cops are gone, we should be able to now have competent technical people get onboard to get this done!