GREY:NTCXF - Post by User
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MrAndersonon Jul 29, 2017 2:02pm
Post# 26525358
Electic vs fosil, always a debate
Electic vs fosil, always a debateI have read a number of articles that tell us that overall, when you take into consideration the energy required to mine the materials and build solar or wind technologies ( including the full spectrum of energy like the energy used to feed and transport the workers etc), that the energy produced by the solar or wind energy producing item will never really create enough to recover all the energy input into making that item, or at best it may be a break even or only a small upside. Where fosils generate way more energy then they take to extract etc.
in my view even if this is true ( and it may be true now but not in the future ) i feel that burning fosils in millions upon millions of locations in trucks, cars, machines etc. Creates a very big problem with polution and carbon and the inability to re-capture it. You have issues with polution etc from accidents in distribution as well.
so would it not seem, that as we continue to make renewables more effecient, we should still be looking at using electricity to power all the end point uses of energy ( cars , trucks, machinery, homes etc) even if we need to still use fosils to more effectively generate that electricity. At least we can then also focus on polution control and carbon re-capture at those generation points. This would be way more feasible then dealing with all thise end point uses and distribution issues.
it is for this reason that I still believe renewables will continue to be a major focus of global efforts in the future.