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Maple Leaf Green World Inc. N.MGW

"Maple Leaf Green World Inc and its subsidiaries focus on the cannabis industry in North America. It operates or funds three cannabis projects, in British Columbia, California, and Nevada. The company applies its eco-agriculture knowledge and cultivation technology to produce contaminant-free organic cannabis products."

NEO:MGW - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Comment by Sidesh0won Jul 31, 2017 4:08pm
Post# 26530327

RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Nevada project

RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Nevada project
trader129 wrote:
your right nothing-- but california looks to be a dud.. and they still need to build in neveda and canada.  so what do you get for 65 million.

According to their July 28 financials, OGI made about $5.5M revenue in the last 12 months and their market cap is about $250M.  How many millions will MGW be bringing in once January rolls around?  
trader, I am sure that you would like us to believe that they are growing 150 pounds 6 times per year in California and we will never see anything from it.  There is a lot of news coming before the end of the year.  Approval from the city of Henderson for Nevada, design/engineering completion for Telkwa BC, starting construction in BC, Health Canada approval.  And just like last year, everything will be made clearer later this week when they provide a tonne of information at the AGM.  Maybe that is why there are so few sellers.
Bullboard Posts