Frustrated Shareholdersi personally feel that our shareprice has collapsed because of the poor Q4 and the placement that went wrong. That was a real set back for Poydras, but this price is way oversold. Given that Poydras is held mostly by larger holders, I think the lack of support is meant to frustrate the long term shareholders into selling. I am very positive that if you put a large chunk up at these levels it would be take out. I am buying, unless a bankruptcy is coming that I don't see, it's a good point of entry.
I have asked Managment why no one is buying and was told they are blacked out because of information they are aware of and with Q2 coming that may be the next chance for them to buy. Ultimately the bord needs to buy the next chance they get. Peter has always been a results person vs promoter and as a large shareholder I hope he's got a plan to bring this stock back to life.
Message ge me if you want to discuss further.