How a Nuclear Power Plant Purchaser Thinks Some very good discussion here and yes I agree, MM your posting detail is very interesting indeed. Here is my question as the real drivers of the Uranium price are the buyers for the Nuclear Power Plants - yes ?
Say I am in charge of a big new plant and need a million LBS of U for the next 7 years. Right now the spot is at $ 20.00/LB and I am paying $ 50/LB. I know prices are going to go up very soon. But I am not going to lock in at $ 60-70 + right now and leave close to $ 100,000,000 dollars on the table ( LBS X 7 years... )
I do think we really have a a TRUE heard mentality with all these buyers. Who is going to blink first. Price of Uranium makes no difference at less than 3 % of a Nuclear power plants costs.
Running out is not an option.
I agree the catalyst is going to be political this time and the Swiss trading arm of K drying up the spot market. This will happen pretty quick. In August of 2026, I think history will show that between July and August of 2017 was one of the BEST times in history to buy Uranium stock.
Translation : Buy as much as you can afford between now and Labour Day of NexGen, FCU, CCJ, UEX and other quality remaining Uranium companies in this sector. Mega is indeed going to go up as well as Toro in my opinion. Wish I had been around in the 2005 to 2007 run up. People and friends think I am crazy at 90 % + of my stash in this sector. As I have said before, will be pretty rozy in a few years or else living in a shack in the middle of nowhere.....