RE:What if...All things are possible but I would add this. Following Fukushima WANO (World Association of Nuclear Opreators) provided lessons learned to all its members and has followed up to ensure plants are no longer vulnerable to such events. Remember also that the plant itself was undamaged by the earthquake itself and had the experts been listened to the sea wall would have been much higher and prevented this from occurring. Many plants around the world have reviewed their design basis and alot of money has been spent by the industry in making them virtually immune from natural disasters like this. So while I will never say never the likelihood of another Fukushima is very very slim.
As far as countries moving away from nuclear...that is always possible since most left wing parties hate nuclear so when they get elected they do their usual and expected rant and rave about going solar and shutting down all the nasty nukes (actually THE cleanest and safest form of electricity generation there is). Sweden is a very good example. They had grand plans to shutdown all the nukes until the reality hits between the left wing eyeballs and they find out that taking off all your base load power causes the lights to go out....politically very unpopular. The lefties like their A/C too much.
So in summary no I do not expect another Fukushima but the market does so that is another reason to buy unloved Uranium. Best contrarian play out there bar none.