RE:Again, Again and AgainI feel money is the problem, then the initial China Deal better get
closed ASAP, and the only thing that will save that steaming pile of sh it is the resulting CHINA PHARMA DEAL that of course you can't do in China without first greasing the business
community with the first sweetheart "deal" (A. Which I don't believe for a moment, and B. Which makes me question why a legit company would even bother, which C. Begs the question if PLI is even a legit company..). So some can be saved if the China Deal closes AND PL announces the subsequent 4050 Chinese Pharma deal for say $75 MIL FOR 25% - $150Mil for 50%.... now why anyone would pay more than the initial $25 Mil is beyond me, the bar has been set but this is me dreaming. THAT kind of series of deals would take the $ pressure off. Now PL and Fred, time to put all your hype BS talk into action and try to execute... Fail and our next financing will be a sucker deal at 90 cents.