ABSOLUTE HUGE FORECAST FROM TIM HUCHABY !!!What will the future killer Mixed Reality app do? Its funny you ask this. About six months ago I was doing an industry keynote (as opposed to a developer keynote) and saying things like, imagine a world where I tend to use that strategy in keynotes: show a killer demo and then talk about how and why its going to be better in the future. I strongly believe the future of entertainment.especially movieslies in mixed reality. Imagine a world where you are sitting in a movie theatre yet totally immersed and actually interactively part of the movie. That is the killer MR app: Interactive holographic in the Movie theatre. Well couple in the AI for vocal interaction If we can figure out some tactile reinforcement even through haptic methods oh man, what entertainment that would be. Couple in some Virtual Olfaction and that is a world I want to live in. Lets face it. No matter what Hollywood says they just are not making the money they did a few years ago yet spending at a much bigger rate. Getting people into the theatres is a huge problem. Millennials actually prefer watching movies on their computers. Its an interesting challenge. Well, Imagination Park entertainment caught wind of my comments and contacted me. I was honored. These are the brilliantly creative Hollywood people with Oscars. They put me on their advisory board and it went quickly. Now, we just completed the most exciting joint venture in IK history. There has been plenty of press already and I cant disclose the roadmap just yet. But it is going to be jaw dropping awesome.