price of green diamondUpdate on 5.36 Carat Gem Quality Green Octahedron Diamond Subsequent to the end of the fiscal year ended March 31, 2017, on May 30, 2017 the Company announced that it had recovered a 5.36 carat green gem quality octahedron diamond from the initial processing of material in the +1.0mm to -45.0mm size fractions through the newly expanded facilities at the Project. The significance of this rough green diamond was uncertain at that time, however given the rarity and potential high value of green diamonds, an analysis of this diamond was warranted. The Company noted that in certain instances, radiation may cause the outer surface of rough diamonds to present with a green colour, which was thought to be the case with two very small, lower quality diamonds previously recovered from the ongoing testing and commissioning exercises at the Project. The Company believed neither of these smaller, lower quality rough diamonds warranted additional consideration at the time, but due to the larger size, quality, and shape of the 5.36 carat rough diamond, additional analysis was believed to be warranted and undertaken. The initial opinions of those parties who have now viewed and provided initial analysis of this rough diamond have indicated it is probable that the green colour is likely limited to the outer surface of the diamond. However, out of an abundance of caution the Company plans to cut and polish it to be certain and to gain insight and aid the Company in its evaluation of this and any future rough diamonds which may be recovered that demonstrate these same characteristics. Given that the exercises to date have resulted in the recovery of three diamonds presenting with green colouring, the Company believes this as an indication of the potential for additional rough diamonds with these characteristics to be recovered, and the potential for such diamonds to retain this green colouring throughout versus on the outer surface only.