Fwiw........- Jean's interview sounded very good but he needs to get all his fine points down in writing
-- just checked sedar and no news on latest quarter -- hopefully out by next monday at latest
- macd continues its downward trajectory; full and slow stos continue going south; rsi 42
- there's that up gap to .205, but on the positive you have several down gaps to fill at some point
Sp now depends on written news releases and/or financials. Jean's good interview had no effect on the sp by session close -- maybe some movement tomorrow??? Hopefully company can get something written up and released. 91% of all gaps get filled eventually.
In short, ger's sp is data dependant right now. On the plus side, many indicators are so depressed they are actually approaching contrarian bullish. But there's still some potential downside risk. In some cases you could see a final capitulation sell-off before sp recovers. Time is of the essence. The sooner Jean can release a new pr, financials or just get something out in print re: today's interview, the better. Jmvho.