RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Jk on PGD @20:50wow kidlapik, someone dumped in your breakfast bowl this morning? all I had was a simple warning about scammers, several of them here, a million shares hey, been here since 5 bucks like ekim then, if you do not understand paper, then you should not invvest, there are burial grounds full of good juniors who were killed by paper. Of course your ahead of every institution and analyist, who have all bailed, not ignored, bailed, go look, its easy to see, congrats on defending your home turf, local civic pride is important, regardless if your at the end of the world or in the big city, You can afford to wait years, congrats on being so well heeled you need to sound off on a public chat room and defend your investment. Longs like ekim and you will never recover IMO, now it is just an opinion, I have stated I have been wrong and right here, pumpers never tell you they are/were ever wrong, they just pump and dump, if you believe the share price here will get back to two or more bucks with the float, just do some simple math and you will discover how dissapointed you will be, the only thing that will boost this into your multiples of dollar range is serious roll backs, now go do some dd on how roll backs are good for companies. This company requires a great deal more cash to keep it going, yes, the bro has the funding, but why hasn't he committed yet? Why would they be shopping it out, why could they not make a deal before? Serious questions when your thinking of investing, more seriuous than reading its a 10/20 bagger for sure. Ask your self those questions in the middle of the night, if this was such a "sure bet" at this point. All the pumpers here have all been crying wolf, get on the train, train leaving the station, 10/20/30 bagger, sure thing, all I have done is cautioned, paper mountian and they need more diamonds, now tell me who is sane and who isn't. I have been long and short on this stock, currently long, claiming that you know who or what any poster is or has on this board, servers only to salve your own frustrations, go see a therapist if your frustrated, also good advice. Good luck.