RE:Robert Friedland what is interesting is the pompoms here are constantly pumping fundamentals, yet, when they fundamentally miscalculate that more diamonds are required, they flip and talk of emotional investing and that is why pgd is stuck in the mud. Fundamentally, they have shown more kimberlite in 6, fundamentally no one knows if the grade will be as rich yet as the small bulk sample they took from the top of the pipe several years ago, fundamentally, potential suitors told them, you need more diamonds, fundamentally, this company needs 30-40 million for a feasibility study, fundamentally they have had, 3, count them, 3 dime financings, one they could not complete in total, even with big pocket bro, fundamentally they are operating in the middle of nowhere, sorry kidlapik, pride or no, your isolated, fundamentally all institutions and analysts fled, fundamentally 6 went from a very nice tiny pipe to a nice pipe (potentially, need caustics), fundamentally they need a partner, fundamentally big bro could step in and eliminate all speculation, fundamentally he has not done so but is supporting more exploration, fundamentally that is the only reason this is not at a half cent. Could Chidliak become the next huge diamond play and wildly profitable? Sure, possible, but it will cost millions and millions and million more to find out, and that is fundamentally the problem here at this point. Good luck.