IF TAKEN OVER...I was a shareholder of Arequipa. Sadly, sold at $2.00 and missed out on Barrick's offer $30.00. I can see something similar happening with Klondike. HOLD ON...FOR NOW! The huge offer made by Barrick Gold, Canada, for the purchase of Arequipa Resources Ltd., left the rest of the mining sector amazed at the sum the company was prepared to pay for Pierina, the gold deposit with unproved reserves, that Arequipa owns in Peru. The Canadian mining company has increased its purchase offer from C$989mn to C$1.1bn (US$800mn), that is C$30 per share, decision which has met with the support of the Arequipa board of directors, reducing the possibilities of other bidders presenting their offers. Analysts predict that Barrick's offer of a substantial sum for a gold deposit that has not yet been proven, might set a precedent for other companies to purchase property before knowing its full potential.