Where's ideaman?Ideaman was the worst basher for fat; I'm surprised he's not back. The basher s have been all over this. They have scared some into selling following a dip. I am not selling a single share. A dip here, a spike there, the curve is still going up, when has a stock ever had zero sellers as it has climbed?
Only posting because I really feel for those that lost shares from panic selling in the .10s and .20s. I hope good people aren't suckered again in the .30s.
It it is my opinion that we will get back to our high, then get into the .40s and start the whole cycle again of dropping a few cents and climbing back and then beyond. Of course, I've considered flipping this, but I'm glad I didn't, I would have had to sell all my gains flipping to get back in, if I had played that game. Far better holding and enjoying the slow up and not missing any news or spinoff.