UP 17% over seas last night!!!!!!Now that's a GREAT start to the weekend. Pounded out the DD last night, time for a phone call !!!!
Might have to go get the bigger truck for this one.
The timing couldn't be more perfect to get in on this !!!!!!!
I have ONE question, hopefully someone can help me with.
Does anyone know what the previous TherOzap device was selling for, before the company was ceased from trading?
I was looking at the agreement details with Lumina Media Group once the device is approved for licensing.
10,000 units within 12 months, Jenex gets 10% royalty
50,000 units within 24 months , Jenex then gets 5% royalty there after
100,000 units within 36 months
While Jenex still maintaining control of the device.
I want to calculate a sales revenue estimate. Thanks
From what I can see and research, if this device is successful. It'll change the way we all look at mosquitoes lol
Cheers all