StupefyI think something drastic happened to HighTurd that has caused him to have a break with reality.
Here is why I say that.
He posts here incessantly about the woes and the faults of Prometic Life Sciences and its officers, yet has admitted to the fact that he holds very few shares. He SAYS he has very few shares. Four percent of his portfolio, was it. Hard to know because he changes his story often.
There were a few sad steps that brought this wet rat from his sinking ship to what HE says is our sinking ship.
STEP 1: HTurd buys $100,000 of TST @$1.00 (one can multiply this by whatever degree of stupidity one believes HTurd to posess or to have been suckered by the TST CEO in some bar in Belleville like he was by those kids pretending to have worked at Shopify)
STEP 2: TST goes to 0.07 cents but then PLI doubles HTurd's $$ at 0.14 to $14000.
STEP 3: Turd recieves shares in PLI around $3 and claims to sell most of them out - let's say 80% @$2.98 leaving him with $2700 of shares in PLI.
STEP 4: PLI now around $1.50 or $1400 for HighTurd.
So, the question is: is this $1400 still not $1400 in whatever company HighTurd decides to invest it. Like a company he believes in such as Stupefy, I mean, Shopify?
So HighestOfTurds, take your $1400, or $2800, or $4200 bucks and f u c k right off, you drowned rat.
PS. The rat down in the bilgehole always thinks the ship is sinking as it rocks from side to side in a storm!