RE:crunch!Great post as usual, Geodcan.
I can't wait for the CBD and THC beverages to be sold in Canada. I am not into MJ as I prefer Canadian whiskey, however I have tried smoking MJ and I have tried edible MJ chocolate. I can't see smoking weed to appeal to anyone who is a non smoker however the buzz is almost instantaneous. Eating chocolate edibles is fine as long as you can wait 2 hours to get any buzz. I can't see too many new recreational MJ indulgers waiting that long as such I wouldn't purchace any of this product nor would I invest in a MJ Company whose sole product is edible chocolate. My preference of course.
Now who doesn't enjoy drinking to get pickled? I would imagine that the buzz from a Tinley27 would occur in short order! Besides drinking is party culture and who would go to a party where you sit and eat chocolates?
geodcan wrote: Almost 11,000 views in a week. Some of those viewers are interested buyers. If we are on task and time for January 2018, I think we will get some news for our grand entrance of our unique offerings and the Tinley27 will be the star for "high" crowd and a great segway and competitor for the California booze business. I'm not sure how large the market is for patients and funseekers but new unique products like ours will probably rip by the till and out the door. Some will crack that sucker before they get out of the parking lot. Hopefully they will share it with their friends and run out quickly and come back for two or three bottles. I think the single serve margarita will move the fastest and I hope we have more flavours in the pipeline. It will be interesting to see if it is offered in a 4 or 6 pack. Apparently we have had shortages of our hemp products at certain distributors, so that speaks well for the success of the products. The Tinley27 offering is pure genius imo and the alcohol drinkers will find it similarly flavoured as what they are used to but without the detriments to health that alcohol causes. I already coughed up $80 bucks in Canada to try CBD for chronic pain and I purchased a syringe on the advice of a couple of doctors that was a negative for me because of the bad flavour and the fact that people told me smoking it would give a better effect. I tried it 3 ways at once with no effect and horrible taste so i can't wait to get a bottle of our Tinley Tonic to add to my morning Joe. Tinley's success is dependant on repeat sales and marketshare. A little due diligence and I am convinced that we have 3 products, unique and functional ready to go and we have also flirted with an Energy shot to boot that is healthy and not just a massive jolt of caffeine and sugar. If the excitement catches on we will have investors wanting in and we don't have a big share float for the milestones we have achieved already. glta and dyodd