RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:NewsBlind pumping eh Wittless? Thats rich. 19 years in this story. I am 100% guilty of buying into mgmnts overoptimism....but i have my money squarely where my money is and have zero alterior motive. I get sick
of reading all the overhype in both directions. I do my dd. i dont throw shite out there lightly. I have millions invested here
When i say Pg is a lock, i fully understand that anything can happen. But you gotta place your bets, and i am of the opinion that all the elements of the application favour approval, and the most recent difficult to get PD designation was a major sign of support by the FDA. You really think they are agreeing to that rare designation, in a naturally occuring product with 100% clinical
efficacy, with people / infants suffering miserably and they are going to dissaprove? I dont.
I stand by the fact that there is now 95% chance both Pg approval imminently, and i now put the same likelihood that Prometic gets the 15th PR Voucher ever issued
and there is a very good chance they will get the 17th and 20th as well
if thats blind pumping to you , then welcome
to my ignore list