The trolls won the round.....we have won the game.
The prevailing narrative always follows price.
Prices can be very wrong at times (the market is not always right).
When prices are wrong, narratives become nonsense.
Chasing nonsense (false narratives) is not an effective investing strategy.
Let's be clear with no room for misunderstanding....There has never been a time that has seen TeamE pump a position or a company....before or after investing.....The crew from Europe will make you aware of a good long term stock worth holding....For several reasons....buyouts,appreciation,dividends,...they will counter the trolls, manipulators and basher's....If they have posted thousands of retorts it is simply because the bashers have posted 10,000 unfavorable or pessimistic scripts.......
Be fully cognizant of this.....Metanor was brought to you the investor for one increase your long term wealth.....Not a trade....not a flip .....not a short investment.....Larry gave a fine example of investments....2,5,10 years out.......The whining brought to you by the quacks and cheats living in this room will prevail if you give them your stock....Not one member of Team E will do so at these prices....I dare say not under $ 2....... What about you .......
The jumper could not control his outbursts....sad when you consider the wealth of information he brought forth.... from what I have been told Team E and its circle of friends are not interested in replacing his loss....a very substantial loss to the investing community I would add....
One last time for a friend of yours and a friend of mine ....TEAM E INVESTS THEY DO NOT INFEST .....HA! ...for you Ilovetojumpem1