re:more media coverage....
This is so excellent!
More the media coverage the more the potential connectivity between TMG as provider and clients.
More and more the clients IMO will initiate their plans towards cleaning up their emissions and especially doing so through energy efficiency technologies. Germany's climate change plan is directly aimed at enrgy efficiency. It is the key thrust of their nation's commitment to the Paris agreement. TMG has apparently hired a new sales person for Germany. Hopefully he is familiar with the requirements by their government to put proposals into motion disseminating the funding.
He would then have the best performing technology of TMG plus the means $ to approach a new client with. IMO Germany will become another important market area for TMG.
Management deserves a lot of credit for continuiing with ongoing R&D in their own product lines as the Super Efficienct Cogen system now available. This is very timely regards a lot of factors IMO