Good JobI thought the presentation was well done. Lots of positive news and nothing negative. I'm assuming the next catalyst will take place in Q1 2018 when they expect to report on how the 10 patients who were dosed this year. Which means maybe six months before any real news. Plus, we need to slog through tax loss season. Not the type of thing you’d normally want to hold on to and be a part of because usually I’d expect a sell off by retail with a attempt to re-buy in the New Year. However, that may not be the case here. There seemed to be only around 17 people tuned into the update. I’m thinking half to a quarter of those were employed by BCT.That leaves very few people who are outsiders holding shares in BCT took the time to listen to the update. I’m thinking these shares are very tightly held by highly educated insiders who understand what we have here. I’m going to stick this one out. It does not mean you should.
I like the way management is down to earth in its approach to keeping us informed. It seems to be very honest and direct. I prefer this to the usual hyped up over pumping management styles of some of this biotech companies.
In short, I’m comfortable having my money invested here even though I feel I will most likely take a haircut over the next 2 ½ months or so. Of course, it’s easier when you see the top guy put in over 2 ½ million dollars of his own money.
. Here’s hoping all the patients are doing great in 2018.