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Medexus Pharmaceuticals Inc T.MDP

Alternate Symbol(s):  MEDXF

Medexus Pharmaceuticals Inc. is a Canada-based specialty pharmaceutical company with a North American commercial platform. The Company has a portfolio of rare disease treatment solutions. Its focus is on the therapeutic areas of oncology, hematology, rheumatology, autoimmune diseases, allergy, and dermatology. It operates through two segments: Medexus Pharma Canada and Medexus Pharma USA. Its lead products are IXINITY (US), Rupall (Canada), Rasuvo (US) and Metoject (Canada), and Gleolan (US). IXINITY (US) is an intravenous recombinant factor IX therapeutic for use in patients with hemophilia B. Rupall (Canada) is a prescription allergy medication with a mode of action. Rasuvo (US) and Metoject (Canada) is a formulation of methotrexate designed to treat rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune diseases. Gleolan (US) is an optical imaging agent indicated in patients with glioma as an adjunct for the visualization of malignant tissue during surgery.

TSX:MDP - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Post by Eric35on Sep 20, 2017 2:59pm
Post# 26721436


SalaryThe only persons who is doing money with this company is the CEO,CFO and the two 2 VP. 300 000 $ approx for each person with a company doing no benefit. GLTA
Bullboard Posts