RE:Liquidation from an ETFLoupup;
Thanks so much for that valuable info! I'm a firm believer that IPT was "on sale", but I wasn't certain enough to buy back my holdings until I was more sure that a bottom had been put in.
Your post has helped to convince me and I've topped up my holdings once again at what, (to me), seems like fire-sale prices. Even if it only makes it back to $.40, I've got a 30% gain...but I'm holding out for a lot more this least $1.20 again! (If it isn't the bottom, then it's got to be pretty close, as that last crash was horrendous!)
In 2015 I was buying large at below $.20 and thinking the same thing, (as prices rose to over $1.00 in 2016). It will be nice if history repeats in 2017-2018.
Good luck to U and yours,