RE:3 Shillateers, tell us how much!Duh me CoreyB can't think.... maybe they filled up the APL lot or their alocated space or better yet they are mining the damn stuff to transport again to APL to package.
Noooo can't be possible because CoreyB is stupid and can't think.
CoreyB is dumb dumb so I need to spin everything until I get dizzy whizzy and fall down go boom.
fcking Shill you are
uote=Canucope]Come on your morons, tell us what you don't know! How much!
you have not a fcking clue because you are "Clueless Shills"
Plain and simple, you know nothing, you speak Shill.
All you 3 get along gang Shills keep proving you don't know.
My point has been proven, you know nadda, zilch.
I rest my case, Ding Ding