RE:RE:salesRoss Enterprises Ltd is a privately held company in Moorefield, ON and is a Single Location business.
Categorized under Wholesale Eggs. Current estimates show this company has an annual revenue of 234752 and employs a staff of approximately 1.
OOPS DID I COPY AND PASTE THAT? Massive distributor we signed on with there, his own sales under a quarter mil and employs himself.
Canucope wrote: Ross Enterpises have their own Turkey operations but they also have the distribution agreement which they supply Zeolite to.
In the operational update it states :
We are very pleased to be a supplier for one of Canada's largest independent feed mills through Canadian Zeolite's distributor Ross Enterprises Limited of Ontario opps did I copy and paste... spank me now Farmer Pbay Shill Troll
123600 wrote: Finaly got up off my rear end and tried to contact the famous supplers mentioned in agreements.
Ross Enterprises if i have the right one has not got back to me BUT at some site they have their sales estimated at $238K.. since i think their main business is raising turkeys cant be a lot of zeolite in that number. donald Ross was appointed director in Jan.
shift supplies Ltd cannnot be found facebook google etc. Only reference i icould find was an incorporation #
1117635(9) can't read my writing) in BC on May 4th 2017 Distribution agreement announced May 29/30.
Had a good talk with Bella Turf They are using Zeolite as fill in their artificial grass products. Z filler is replacing sand, using 1/1/2 lbs per sq. ft. apparaently the end user is the decisionmaker as to sand or Z. 5 yrs ago sand use was 90+% now down to 30%. It sounded like they were doing good volume.
soon to get YE resultss ?????