What Michael Carten And Several CEO or High Management
directly told me and mincing no words about it they had said investors should take their profits when they are there when I had questioned him/them about the "over dilution". They never felt apologetic either because at the end of the day they would say what would you rather have the company have no monies to work with and go under or have the monies and continue on. When you look at things in this terms you can understand that management's job is to make sure that the company continues to run and where they have their jobs but as I had stated in my last post they feel more responsible to insiders those who actually directly back them than to us at retailers and there will be no compassion here because they will not want to admit mismanagement of resources and the share structure. This absolutely stuck to me but the thing that makes this frustrating/upsetting is that we will always be the last to know and by that time we are in the vulnerable position, insiders hardly are as when there are raises they are already 25% ahead as typically raises are discounted by 20-25% so it is up to us to understand the situation and have every available tool to use--being good with reading financials, being able to read charts as well as the fundamentals, the more the better. Nobody will look after our money we have to do it for ourselves so whenever one sees profit I would and I am saying this to even remind myself take something because you just don't know when the price to stocks will get hammered down. I have been in this position several times when I could have end up with $10,000 profit in a month vs $1,000 in one investment and 50% up rather than 30% down in another had I sold my whole position or even took some monies out to be able to buy back. I generally don't like trading all that much but I do move monies when I feel there is a need, however, because I had looked to what would obviously be too high pie in the sky price points I got nailed when people either started flipping shares or shorting. Unfortunately, this is the reality of pennies. Like Michael Justin is not showing any difference in leadership style in many regards especially in holding things tightly to the vest and will not generally tip their hands or jump in--he hasn't for as long as he took over so I wouldn't hold my breath on that. This company typically sneaks info in the quarterlies and only from time to time tell before hand but even then there is not much to go on (this is from my perspective, I am sure people will have their own opinions which may not match that of my own). In any case, even my cousins who had their own companies told me the same take the profit you can always buy back as did my close family friends, actually my family friend stated it is hard for people to make money in the market if they are not privy to the pp's and he is the management of Mogo (Varshney Capitals). Folks, in pennies you are gambling plain and simple and it is best to know how to do it well or you will kind of get screwed. More and more I am seeing it at each of my own experiences some where I gained but not nearly as much as I could have had I actually sold and bought back strategically--never chase anything if it runs let it go and wait for pull backs and stability or if rapidly rising buy and take a quick 20-40% because as fast as pennies rise they fall--that is what I have experienced time and again and have failed to act in the proper manner. In any case, like I said I am looking a little less in share value to pull some money if it runs further fantastic I still have enough left over. But this is the mentality coming directly from management "shareholders should have taken money when it was there" and there was and never be any remorse!