RE:How is this not below $0.50 CentsSunsetGrill wrote: Going nowhere with a bullet. What exactly have they done in 5 yrs to warrent shareholder approval for their "plan". Go to the government with hat in hand to pay their salaries.
The holes in the ground are "NOT ECONOMICALLY FEASIBLE" if they were they would not be looking for a market. This was pie in the sky when graphite was what per ton? I cant even remember what ridiculous numbers were getting thrown around. Wasnt it 20K/ton at one point. It has got to be one of the worst performing stocks in the whole canadian mkt over the last 5 yrs.
Keep the faith
Thank you SunsetGirll for giving jiggydo a fine example of what drivel looks like. You are an excellent drivel poster. jiggydo makes posts just like your example but he is so dumb he doesn't recognize drivel when he posts it.
You guys are so obsessed with ZEN that it must mean you guys have an unconscious admiration for ZEN. A deeply rooted Zencrush that you can't control. It's a sicknesss and the only cure is to buy some ZEN shares. Trust me. I studied psychology once so I know what I am talking about when it comes to mental cases like you two guys.
Johny B. GoodePecker aka "Pecker of Wood"..aka POW.